Winchip Engineering is a Consulting Engineering Firm located in Chestertown, New York. Established in 2005, Winchip Engineering specializes in onsite Septic Facilities and Site Planning.
Projects are developed stressing interaction between the client, contractor, and engineer to address Site and Zoning Constraints, and Septic Soil Evaluation and Design. Projects which devote time and resources during the Development Phase tend to have fewer changes, meet budgeting constraints and finish on schedule. Clients know what is being built and avoid the surprises inherent in Projects when Project Development is neglected.
Winchip Engineering is committed to helping clients realize the final product envisioned and believes in being involved in projects until completion. Clients and contractors can rely on input and help as work progresses, to their mutual satisfaction.
Septic Design and Site Work
- Gravity septic systems.
- Pump-dosed septic systems.
- Drainage systems.
- Septic site plans for zoning permits, New York State Department of Health permits, and Adirondack Park Agency permits.
- Homeowners
- Contractors
- Restaurants and Hotels
- Campgrounds
- Town Governments
*References will be available upon request.